Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Movie "W" barely cracks top 100 grossing movies for 2008.


Keep up the liberal tripe Hollywood, it's working ain't it!



Qualilty bunch of movies down there at the bottom of the heap.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Mrs. Palin Goes To Washington.

...dare I say in quite a Reaganesque way.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

We're Screwed '08

Following up on the heels of my last bumper sticker post: John F***IN McCain



You can go buy this one over here: werescrewed08.com


It's just a matter of choosing the screwer and how badly the screwing is gonna be.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Is Obama dumber than Quayle?

Fairly obvious to me.

57 states?!!

and now this Obama is an idiot regarding Mount Rushmore.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Find out how your views compare to Obama's and McCain's and Hillary's

So you wanna see how your viewpoints match up with Maverick and the Messaih.  How about pant suit girl?

Well here you go:


I put together this excel spreadsheet that compares your choices to the candidates.

  1. Open the excel workbook
  2. Enable Macros
  3. Stay at the first sheet and make your choices.
    1. choices are "pro", "con" and "nc" for noncommittal.

All of the answers for the candidates are taken from the website procon.org as of 05/08/08.

Good luck.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Very well written interpretation of Bittergate [ClingGate really]

What’s the Matter with Democrats?

George Packer writes over at "The New Yorker" and does some good soul searching for the Democrats.

"The real problem with what Obama said is that it’s basically untrue. In southwestern Pennsylvania, religion, hunting, and insularity predate the post-industrial era."

That is the heart of the matter but the problem with the Democrats is they believe the opposite.

"In fact, it’s such a familiar line of thinking in liberal circles that the most common defense of Obama is that he was simply saying what everyone knows is so."

It is interesting though, that he writes this compelling article and then at the end says this:

"Conservative propagandists like Kristol are predictably and unfairly wrapping Obama’s disastrous sentence around his neck and garroting him with it." - [emphasis mine]

Does that mean he does not believe himself what he has written?  Bill Kristol and others to raise the issue and paint Obama as an elitist and they are being unfair and yet George Packer does it in his article (admittedly with more even handed language) and its perfectly legit. 

I don't quite get it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Obama really believes that the only solution to problems is through government intervention.

Good article from David LImbaugh over at townhall.com.

More and more, when Obama talks about the alleged "antipathy" people have toward "people who aren't like them," one can't help but speculate whether he's projecting his own feelings of antipathy and bitterness toward others and the nation

As always go read the whole thing.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Rezko...Obama is a slime.


Graft, thy name is Barry.

NIce list of waffles from Obama

I used to think Slick Willy was a waffler...check this out:

I have found it really disturbing how many times Obama has pleaded ignorance on a variety of issues, both in terms of policy and in terms of personal stuff.

I have started a running list, and these are just some issues that have stuck with me off the top of my head:

  1. He didn't realize Rezko was under investigation when he entered into the shady house deal, even though it was well established in the local Chicago papers.
  2. He didn't know about the 11 low-income housing units going under in his small state senate district that were owned by Rezko even as he asked for funds for these buildings.
  3. He didn't know the difference between a yea vote and a nay vote, so he "pressed the wrong button" six times...at least two of those times the votes were hotly contested and the vote was very close.
  4. He didn't know the Kyl-Lieberman vote was taking place, but somehow every other candidate knew about it.
  5. He didn't realize that his spiritual mentor and pastor of 20 years was saying very controversial things in church (er..but now maybe he says he did know...).
  6. He didn't know his top economic adviser, Austin Goolsbee, met with the Canadian government and suggested that his position on NAFTA was just political posturing.
  7. He was for the decriminalization of pot before he was against it because he, as a Harvard educated lawyer, did not know what decriminalization meant.
  8. He never saw a survey that he says misrepresents his views, despite the fact that his handwriting is on the survey.

And this is just what I am thinking of off the top of my head! I am sure there are more.

I get that politicians stretch the truth, sometimes they lie, sometimes they pander. I don't mind that, really. Hillary does this too.

But what I see here is a really disturbing pattern of him pleading ignorance or blaming others and it seems that he is never held accountable for this pattern of ignorance. I mean we are either to believe that 1) he lies all the time, or 2) he really is ignorant...if it is the first, well, he needs to stop lying because he is losing credibility...if it is the second, he does NOT belong in the White House...

I also think this pattern is very, very problematic for the general election...


found over here: http://www.talkleft.com/comments/2008/4/1/02019/83931/3#3

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Obama ain't that smart.

Ummm...I meant to say isn't, really.

Obamalogic from teh Obamasiah:

1. I will send troops back into Iraq if Al Qaida comes back in.


2. Al Qaida is actually in Iraq - it's called "Al Qaida in Iraq"

so...what does he do?

Blames Bush.

McCain slaps the Big O around a bit.  It's a fun read.

I"m back...I'll try to post more.

eh...Like you care.